More and more people are now looking to make an income from promoting affiliate products online. The concept is very appealing; low start up costs, no stock to hold and virtually a fully automated process. So why do so many people fail and give up after a few months?
One of the answers is the wealth of information which can literally bombard the senses and cause information overload. Where do you start? Any Google or Yahoo search will lead to so much information that it is almost impossible to find a starting point. You'll find web sites promoting products that can earn you thousands of dollars a week or month. Others telling you how they made a million $ in under a year. Photographs of affiliate commissions pull in the naïve and the promises continue to flow almost unabated!
Take a step back and think for a moment. Can all this be really true or is it just a scam to line the pockets of those who are promoting the products?
Promoting affiliate products is a great and fun way to tap into the internet success story and make some serious money along the way. But for real and prolonged success a plan is needed and good software required to bring it all together. I can tell you it is very hard to make a profit straight away. Sure some people do, but like any other business it is down to motivation, hard work and maybe an element of good fortune. However, good fortune is in limited supply so that is why a good plan is needed. Fortune favours the brave!
The obvious and possibly most important step is for you to find a good product to promote. I can't tell you which product is the best nor can I direct you to one. It is vital at the outset to source a product which you have an interest in and which is easy to promote. If you have an interest, then promoting it will enable you to move forward faster. The best site I have found is Clickbank. Spend a couple of hours going through this site and seeing what it can offer. Search Google etc for additional resources. There are free ebooks out there, which are excellent. Also, think of the reason you reading this article. It's for information, isn't it? So information products are clearly a good starting place for your online business.
Secondly, you'll need a web site to pull in traffic so you can promote the product and then send the traffic on to the affiliate site, where if everything goes to plan the prospect will make a purchase and you'll get the commission. This is the where the cost can literally stop you in your tracks. A half-decent web site costs anything form $2000 to $10000. Or you can build your own. If you are a good web programmer this won't be a problem. Are you?
What about traffic? Traffic is vital to any affiliate success. Again there are hundreds of products and articles on how to get traffic to your site. Which one will you chose? Traffic has to be targeted if it is going to turn into commission earnings. Look at PPC advertising, links with other web sites and directories.
Did you know that over 95% of people that visit promotional web pages do not progress and leave without buying? However, they have shown an interest otherwise they would not have come to the site in the first place. Therefore there is a distinct possibility they could be future prospects/customers so software to harness their details is a good idea. This is called developing a list of prospects, usually via their e-mail address. Think of the power a list can be for future income and profit for your online business.
It is very important to understand the relationship between the amount of people that visit your promotional web site and the percentage that go on to the affiliate site. This is one type of conversion rate. 100 people visit and 40 move on to the affiliate site = 40% conversion rate. The next is the percentage of those 40% that go on to make a purchase. This is normally between 1-4%. Conversion rates are vital as this rate will determine whether your business is profitable of not. You will need to be able to test various conversion ratios against cost (eg PPC advertising) to find the most profitable product or to use the information to fine-tune the business.
Finally you'll need to measure and keep tabs on all your financial information that will be created by your online business.
All sounds very daunting doesn't it? But with the right software and the above elements in place you should be in a position to exploit the Internet to your advantage. Hard work is essential and most businesses take up time and effort to get going. I tend to steer well clear of those that say otherwise.
After wasting months looking for the holy grail, the software and marketing tools I discovered have made the process of creating affiliate income far more favorable. I'm not a millionaire yet but I am on the way! And so can you. Click on my link below for more information.