Thursday, May 24, 2007

Is Affiliate Marketing Really The Easiest Way To Make Money Online? (Part 2)

So what is your business plan like? No kidding. Just like a conventional
business, you do need to strategize your affiliate marketing business
around a particular system.

Have you got a system in place? You would naturally be promoting a
particular product or service, but have you got an "upsell" to offer? What
about an "O.T.O" (one time offer) or "backend" product? Of course, you
can solely promote the main product just by driving traffic to the
merchant's website via your affiliate link, but without all these sales
components in place, you would be leaving a lot of money on the table,
so to speak.

Affiliate marketing is a lot more than just about making a sale. If you want
a viable business, one that you can depend on to bring you a decent
income month after month; then you will need to build that business
around a sound, proven system.

Think about it - if you were to build a house, however small; would you
dive right in laying bricks for your walls without laying the proper
foundation first? Of course not. For that same reason, going into
business whether online or offline, without a definitive plan is a
venture destined for failure right from the start.

Do not let the term "system" scare you, though. It is nothing more than
the assembly of all the sales components I had mentioned above. There
is no Internet-Marketing-Guru-Secret or any other magic pill required
for you to succeed online. (Of course, if you have been online for a
while, you will find the Gurus passing off this system as their secret!).

There are many reports and courses offering you an insight into how
you too can systematically package the sales components - the upsell, the
one-time-offer or backend products - into your business. Most of them
even come free of charge. All you need to do is tailor your component
products around the main product or service that you are selling.

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